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Policy Department Effective Date Purpose
Academic Progress Standards: Undergraduate StudentsAcademic Affairs2024-12-16Establishes standards to provide clear feedback to students about their academic standing at the university. Additionally, the standards enable the university to identify students who are in need of academic intervention so that the university can provide support and opportunities for improvement.
Course RepeatAcademic Affairs2024-12-16Allows students to repeat a course to improve their understanding and potentially their grade.
Board of Trustees Policy: Gift AcceptancePresidents Office2024-12-04To set the terms and considerations of accepting gifts
Board of Trustees Policy: Undesignated Estate GiftsPresidents Office2024-12-04To ensure all charitable gifts are utilized in ways that best support the mission and strategic goals of the institution.
Grievance Policy for Students, Employees, and Visitors with Disabilities - New York and OntarioAcademic Affairs2024-11-22To ensure that no qualified student with a disability is denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination by any university program or activity.
TESTAcademic Affairs2024-08-07TEST
Board of Trustees Policy: Academic SenatePresidents Office2024-08-01Sets the board policy regarding the Academic Senate
Advisory Committee on Campus SecurityExecutive Vice Presidents Office2024-06-28To guide the committee\\\'s review of current campus security policies and procedures and make recommendations for their improvement.
Incoming Transfer Credit PolicyAcademic Affairs2024-05-03To define the University\'s policy on the recognition of academic credits earned at other institutions and applying same towards the completion of Niagara University Degree programs.
Academic IntegrityAcademic Affairs2024-04-09Sets standards and procedures for Academic Integrity